5 Belly Trimming Exercises to Get a Flat Tummy and Firm Abs

If you're looking for a way to lose belly fat and flatten your tummy you may also be looking for the right belly trimming exercises to help you get firm abs. In this article I want to share 5 of those exercises that I believe you should include in your regular workouts in order to get strong and firm abs.

Reverse Crunches

This is a formidable ab exercise that targets the lower abs and the rest of the stomach as well. To do reverse crunches, you lie on the ground, bend your knees and pull them toward your chest. Your head and upper body should remain on the ground, though your butt can life a bit off the floor. Make sure to use your abs to do the exercise and don't let your feet touch the floor on the return movement.

Hanging leg raises

This is a tough belly trimming exercise and requires a pull up bar. You hang down from the bar with outstretched arms and bring your knees toward your chest. You may not be able to do this exercise at first but it will build your strength up quickly and is very worth making the effort on.


The plank is a static stomach exercise but extremely effective. You assume a position that is similar to that of a push up only you rest on your forearms, not your hands. You hold this position for 30 second or more until you just can't anymore. Make sure to maintain a straight back throughout the exercise.

Diagonal crunches on a stability ball

Using a stability ball usually makes a simple exercise that much harder. The diagonal crunch is no different and is an excellent way to work the obliques. You lie back on the ball with both feet planted firmly on the ground. Lift your upper body in a diagonal movement to one side, feeling the crunch in your obliques, return to starting position, and then lift yourself to the other side.

Hip lifts

The final ab exercise you can do to get a flat tummy and firm abs is to do Hip Lifts. To do this exercise you need to lie on the floor and raise both legs to a 90 degree angle to your body. Thrust both legs straight up using your abs to do the movement and to stop your legs from falling to the floor on the way down.

Do these 5 belly exercises and you'll have firmer and stronger abs.

For more killer exercises to get a flat tummy visit Belly Fat Burning Exercises
For more tips on how to get flat abs visit http://BurnMyBellyFat.com/
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Davenport

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