Your mindset and amount of motivation towards your goal of getting six pack abs determines whether your goal is a success or a failure. The right attitude will motivate you from day one and on. But very few guys ever develop the right mindset and as a result of that, most of them eventually quit working towards their goal of sculpted abs when the going gets tough. So unless you want to be part of the 95% guys that start the process but never finish getting ripped, shredded abs that make the ladies go goo-goo ga-ga, make sure you get your mindset right.
What exactly do you I mean by mindset? Mindset of what's possible for you, of what you can achieve and how far you are willing to go. The right mindset will motivate you when the going gets tough, it will give you the right attitude towards doing the exercises that give you carved out, ripped abs. The wrong mindset however is what stops you from getting over your comfort zone, that little voice that will tell you not to work out today because you're too relaxed and you can do it tomorrow, or not to worry about eating the right foods because it's too hard to stay in a good, healthy ab sculpting diet.
So how do we develop the right mindset and stay motivated? Realizing the pleasurable outcomes you have to gain when you get six pack abs can be a great motivator. Things like looking great without a shirt, having more confidence, feeling like "the man" because of all the attention your getting from the ladies. Rewards like these can really push you. So can realizing what you have to lose if you don't follow through with your six pack abs goals, in other words painful outcomes like having low confidence because of your beer belly, which might make you feel insecure around the hotties resulting in less dates. Not liking what you see in the mirror, and realizing your tired of not having your dream abs, These are painful outcomes of not following through with your goals of getting six pack abs. When done correctly, pain can actually motivate you to make sure you do the right things to getting a six pack.
Now I'd like you to get a pen and paper to do the following exercises because I want to make sure you are fully motivated in following through with your your ab sculpting exercises and nutrition. So in the piece of paper:
Write what you will gain by following through with your goals of getting ripped abs. In other words, write out the pleasurable outcomes you will receive by getting a six pack (Confidence, attention, etc)
Next, write what you could lose by not following through with your ab sculpting regimen, meaning the painful outcomes you will receive by procrastinating about your six pack ab goals. (Low confidence, out of shape, etc.)
Now it's time to get downright honest with yourself. Admit any excuses you've been giving yourself as to why you should feel OK about not following through with your ab workouts and nutrition. Now admit to yourself you have been using these excuses to not follow through, but from now on you will do what it takes to reach your goal of getting six pack abs.
Last, visualize your self in the near future as having already achieved getting ripped,sculpted abs. What do you see when you see your self in the mirror? How do you feel about the fact that you had the discipline to actually get six pack abs? How do people look at you now when you take your shirt off and see carved out abs instead of a beer belly or a just a plain, boring looking stomach? How many more ladies give you attention now?
Doing this will install the right mindset for sculpting your abs and will push you to eventually become one of the few guys that actually have six pack abs. Take care of your mental attitude and motivation towards your ab sculpting regimen and 50% of the work will already be done.
Remember that the above exercises are the foundation to staying motivated and having the right attitude for getting six pack abs. Get your mindset and motivation handled and you will see a ripped, shredded six pack starting at you in the mirror before you know it, guaranteed.
But keep in mind, you can have all the motivation in the world, but if you don't have the right diet, nothing you do will work. Make sure you go to Best Ab Toner Diet to learn more about the right foods to get lean, toned abs.
( You can also go to Best Way Get Abs Fast where you can browse through more ab nutrition tips and exercises proven to work)
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